-Wildflowers and Edibles-
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Botany in a Day and Recommended Companions
-An Easier Way to Identify Plants A short on-line article.
-Botanical Loupes Hand-lenses for magnification.
-Golden Guide to Wildflowers of N. America by Frank D. Venning
-Plant Identification Terminology by James & Melinda Harris
-Plants of the Pacific NW Coast by Pojar & MacKinnon,
-Plants of the Rocky Mountains by Kershaw, MacKinnon, Pojar
-Newcomb's Wildflower Guide by Lawrence Newcomb
-Weeds of the West by the Western Society of Weed Science
-Kitchen Botany by Garima Fairfax
Plant Books, Games, and Resources for Kids
-I'm a Medicine Woman, Too! by Jesse Wolf Hardin
-A Kid's Herb Book by Lesley Tierra
-Medicinal Plants Coloring Book by Beth Judy
-Wildcraft! An Herbal Adventure Game
-Botanical Loupes: Hand-lenses for magnification.
-Kid's Plant Identification and Herbal Fun Pack Special discount on the items above!
Wild Edible Plant Books
-The Forager's Harvest by Samuel Thayer
NEW! -Nature's Garden by Samuel Thayer
NEW! -Edible Wild Plants by John Kallas, PhD
-A Taste of Heritage by Alma Hogan Snell
-The Essential Wild Food Survival Guide by Linda Runyon
-Guide to Wild Foods and Useful Plants by Christopher Nyerges
Wild Edible and Medicinal Plant Videos
-Wild Edible Basics DVD by Wildman Steve Brill
-Exploring Edible Wild Foods DVD by Christopher Nyerges
-Edible Wild Plants DVD by Jim Meuninck with James Duke
-Native American Medicine DVD by Jim Meuninck
-7 Plant DVDs + Master DVD by Mors Kochanski
Herbal Guides & Wilderness First Aid
-Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West by Michael Moore
-Medicinal Plants of the Desert & Canyon West by Michael Moore
-Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West by Michael Moore
-Rogers' Herbal Manual by Robert Dale Rogers
-Healing Wise by Susun Weed
Mushroom Identification & Edibility
-Mushrooms Demystified by David Arora
-All That the Rain Promises by David Arora
-Mushrooms and Other Fungi by Roger Phillips
-North American Mushrooms by Orson and Hope Miller
-Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms by Paul Staments
-Fungal Pharmacy by Robert Rogers
Rocky Mountain Field Guides
-Plants of the Rocky Mountains by Linda J. Kershaw
-Wildflowers of the Rocky Mountains by George W. Scotter
-Trees of the Rocky Mountains by George and Olivia Petrides
-A Rocky Mountain Lichen Primer by James Corbridge
Pacific Northwest Field Guides
-Mosses, Lichens, and Ferns by Vitt, Marsh, and Bovey
Great Lakes / Ojibwa Field Guides
-Edible and Medicinal Plants of the Great Lakes Region by Thomas Naegele
-Strength of the Earth by Frances Densmore
All about Dandelions
-The Dandelion Celebration by Peter Gail
-Dandy Blend Coffee Substitute
Also be sure to visit these pages:
Primitive Wilderness Survival Resources
Nature, Wildlife & Tracking Guides

| PO Box 684 Silver Star, MT 59751 406-287-3605
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Wildflowers and Edibles