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Kitchen Botany
Vegetarian recipes that reveal the joy of plants
Written and illustrated by Garima Fairfax.
Learn botany while you cook! Garima Fairfax's unique cookbook features recipies that help the aspiring botanical chef to associate related plants. Fairfax has taught botany to thousands of students in Colorado using Botany in a Day: The Patterns Method of Plant Identification. The last day of every course includes a botanical potluck, where each person chooses a different family and brings a dish featuring members of that family. The rest of the class tries to guess the family by looking at and sampling the dish. This fun tradition ultimately led to the idea of a plant families cookbook.
From main dishes and breads to cookies and desserts, muffins and puddings to soups and salads, Kitchen Botany includes more than 140 recipes in 4 kingdoms and more than 40 families, accompanied by 58 illustrations. Each family is identified by its common name, its kingdom, and its Latin name. The families are presented in alphabetical order by Latin name, and the illustrations are identified by their common name, followed by their genus and species. Each family also includes a short poem to help you learn more about the identification and properties of that family. 154 pages. 7" x 9". Spiral bound. May 2008.

See also Botany in a Day: The Patterns Method of Plant Identification