PO Box 684
Silver Star, MT 59751 406-287-3605
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Granny's Country Store
Home-Building Resources
Holistic/Sustainable Living
Wilderness Survival
Resources for Educators
Native Skills & Culture
Nature, Wildlife, Tracking
Wildflowers and Edibles
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Primitive Wilderness Survival Supplies
See also:
Native Skills & Culture
Nature, Wildlife, and Tracking Books
Plant Identification, Edible Plants, and Mushrooms
Text Menu Scroll down the page to see our complete selection of wilderness survival books, videos, tools, and supplies.
General Survival Skills Books
-Primitive Wilderness Living & Survival Skills by John & Geri McPherson
-Primitive Wilderness Skills, Applied & Advanced by John & Geri M.
-Practicing Primitive by Steven M. Watts
-The Modern Hunter-Gatherer by Tony Nester
-Outdoor Survival Skills by Larry D. Olsen
-Earth Knack by Bart & Robin Blankenship
-Knowledge of the Ancestors: Survival Skills by Ryan Leech
-Survival Skills of the North American Indians by Peter Goodchild
-Survival Arts of the Primitive Paiutes by Margaret M. Wheat
-Survival Skills of Native California by Paul D. Campbell
-Three Woodsmoke Books Edited by Richard & Linda Jamison
-Primitive Technology: Practical Guidelines by Errett Callahan
-How to Make Primitive Pottery by Evard Gibby
-Bush Craft & Pocketbooks by Mors Kochanski
-Tipis - Tepees - Teepees by Linda A. Holley
-The Indian Tipi by Reginald and Gladys Laubin
-Snow Caves by Ernest Wilkinson -Scroll down the page for more books under specific skill areas!
Society of Primitive Technology
-Back Issues from the Bulletin of Primitive Technology
-Primitive Technology: A Book of Earth Skills Edited by David Wescott
-Primitive Technology II: Ancestral Skills Edited by David Wescott
Primitive Skills & Wilderness Survival Videos
-Survivorman DVDs & Music by Les Stroud
-Hoods Woods "Woodsmaster" DVDs by Ron Hood
-Hoods Woods "Cave Cooking" DVDs by Karen Hood
-Naked Into the Wilderness DVDs by John McPherson
-Old Ways Fire Vol. 1 & 2 DVDs by Tom Laskowski
-Wilderness Skills DVDs by Mors Kochanski
-Woodsmoke Videos on DVD by Richard & Linda Jamison
-Survival DVD by Mel DeWeese & Friends
-Bushcraft & Extreme Survival DVDs by Ray Mears
-Close-out deals on survival videos VHS PAL / SECAM FORMATS
-See also Flintknapping and Braintan Buckskin for more videos.
Primitive Fire-Making Kits
-Flint & Steel Kits
-Bowdrill Fire Sets
-Handdrill Fire Sets
-Fire Plow Sets
-Fire Pistons
-Oakum Tinder
-Swedish Fire Steel
-Fresnel Lens Card Magnifier
-Spark's Fly Fire Starter Products
-The Book of Fire
Survival Kits and Knives
-The Always-With-You Compact Wilderness Survival Kit Article & Reviews
-98.6 Degrees: The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive by Cody Lundin
-Swedish Fire Steel Just right for your keychain.
-Fresnel Lens Card Magnifier Same size as a credit card.
-Victorinox Field Master Swiss Army Knife Compact, but incredibly versatile.
-TracLite LED Keychain Flashlight Magnetic swivel base clings to any steel surface.
-Camouflage Bandanas Multi-purpose survival tools.
-Frosts Mora Knives Lightweight and durable.
-Handy-Sharp Keychain Knife Sharpener Keep blades sharp any where, all the time.
Tire Sandals
-100% Recycled Tire Sandals from Cambodia
Flint Knapping Books & DVDs
-The Art of Flint Knapping (Book and DVD) by D.C. Waldorf
-Working Obsidian DVD by D.C. Waldorf
-Flintknapping DVDs by Angela Parker and Jim Redfern
-Best of the Story in Stone Poster illustrated by Valerie Waldorf
-Breaking Rock I & II DVDs by John McPherson
-The Basics of Biface Knapping by Errett Callahan
-Pressure Flaking Flash Cards by Errett Callahan
Bow-Making, Primitive Archery & Atlatls
-The Art of Making Primitive Bows and Arrows by D.C. Waldorf
-Bows and Arrows of the Native Americans by Jim Hamm
-The Bowyer's Bible, Volumes 1 - 4 by Jim Hamm & Others
-Enc. of Native American Bows, Arrows & Quivers, Vol. 1 & 2 by Allely and Hamm
-Ishi & Elvis by Jim Hamm
-Whitetail Tactics with Recurves & Longbows by Jim Hamm
-Making Indian Bows and Arrows the Old Way by Douglas Spotted Eagle
-American Indian Archery by Reginald and Gladys Laubin
-Roving Handbook by Errett Callahan
-Gut It - Cut It - Cook It by Fromm & Cambronne
-The Atlatl: Primitive Weapon of the Stone Age by Kris Tuomala
-Sinews and Hide Glue
-Pitch Sticks
-Dogbane Stalks for Cordage
The Sling
An Ancient Survival Weapon
-The Sling by Cliff Savage
-Hand Crafted Survival Slings
Braintan Buckskin
Books, Videos, Tools, & Skins
-Braintanning Books and Videos
-Wet-Scrape and Dry-Scrape Tools
-Finished Braintanned Skins
-Glover's Needles and Thread
-Sinews and Hide Glue
-Deer Toes for Crafts
-Speedy Stitcher Sewing Awl & Thread
Knots and Knot Tying
-Knot Playing Cards
-The Complete Book of Decorative Knots by Geoffery Budworth
-Bush Knots DVD by Mors Kochanski
-Top Seven Bush Knots and the Use of the Windlass by Mors Kochanski
Canoeing and Fishing
-Building a Birchbark Canoe by David Gidmark
-Canoecraft: Woodstrip Construction by Ted Moores
-Cradle to Canoe by Rolf and Debra Kraiker
-Expedition Canoeing by Cliff Jacobson
-Paddling Montana by Hank & Carol Fischer
-The Complete Paddler by David Miller
-Indian Fishing by Hilary Stewart
Lewis & Clark Expedition
-Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose
-Lewis & Clark: A Photographic Journey by Bill and Jan Moeller
-Day By Day with the Lewis & Clark Expedition by Barbara Fifer
-Feasting and Fasting with Lewis and Clark by Leandra Zim Holland
-Plants of the Lewis & Clark Expedition by H. Wayne Phillips
-Tailor Made, Trail Worn by Robert J. Moore, Jr and Michael Haynes
-Or Perish in the Attempt by David J. Peck, D.O.
-Colter's Run by Stephen T. Gough
Books about Wilderness Programs
-Shouting at the Sky by Gary Ferguson
Primitive Musical Instruments
-Make Your Own Five Hole Flute from Recycled PVC
Also be sure to visit these pages:
Nature, Wildlife & Tracking Resources
Plant Identification & Ecology Guides

| PO Box 684 Silver Star, MT 59751 406-287-3605
|  |
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Order by mail or telephone: We accept checks and money orders payable in US dollars. Please use the on-line shopping basket to tally your order. Click the "Pay for Order On-line" button to calculate the postage, then print or copy the information and call or send it to us at the address above. |
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Granny's Country Store Home-Building Resources | Holistic/Sustainable Living
Wilderness Survival | Resources for Educators
Native Skills & Culture | Nature, Wildlife, Tracking Wildflowers and Edibles