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Blood, Bread, and Roses
How Menstruation Changed the World
by Judy Grahn
Recommended by Tamarack Song

      With both scholarly and interpretive ability, the author delves into the origins of culture, ancient legend and ritual, and the intrinsic woman to regain a grasp of menstruation as a relevant and enriching rite. Paperback, 323 pages. Beacon Press. 1994. ISBN: 0807075051. OUT OF PRINT. Secondhand books: Condition - Good. Availability limited to stock on hand.

Blood, Bread, and Roses (used book)    $7.50    Quantity:

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Taking Charge of Your Fertility
The Definite Guide to Natural Birth Control and Pregnancy Achievement
by Toni Weschler
Recommended by Tamarack Song

      Are you unhappy with your current method of birth control? Or are you demoralized by the fertility treadmill you've embarked upon in your quest to have a baby? Do you experience confusing signs and symptoms at various times in your cycle but are unable to get simple explanations? This invaluable resouce may finally have the answers to your questions. Fully illustrated with 8 pages of color graphics and filled with helpful examples and charts, Taking Charge of Your Fertility provides a complete and fascinating window into your reproductive system. The book thoroughly explains the empowering Fertility Awareness Method, which in only a couple of minutes a day allows you to:

      -Enjoy highly effective and scientifically proven birth control without chemicals or devices.

      -Maximize your odds of conception before you see a doctor, or expedite your infertility treatment by quickly identifying impediments to your pregnancy. Increase your chances of choosing the gender of your baby.

      -Gain control of your sexual and gynecological healthThis groundbreaking work is the next step in the women's health revolution, providing all the information women need to monitor their menstrual cycle - whether to achieve pregnancy, avoid pregnancy, or just get better control of their moods, health, and lives. Paperback. 382 pages. Harper Perennial. 1995. ISBN: 0060950536.

Taking Charge of Your Fertility    $24.00    Quantity:

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Breast Cancer? Breast Health!
The Wise Woman Way
by Susun S. Weed
Recommended by Tamarack Song

      More than 100,000 copies of this ground-breaking book are currently in print. It is used by breast cancer support groups and hospital-based oncologists in USA, Germany, New Zealand, and Canada. Why? because it offers the best of modern medicine plus level-headed information on the most effective alternative and complementary treatments for breast (and prostate) cancers.

      Breast Cancer? Breast Health! is for every woman interested in taking breast health into her own hands. The first third offers easy lifestyle changes, simple herbal additions, and tasty food recommendations to reduce risk and improve immune functioning. The second third helps those with possible cancer -- what to do before you call the doctor, how to explore your options -- and those diagnosed with cancer -- including "alternative treatments to avoid." Separate chapters detail complementary medicines for those using surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or tamoxifen. The last third focuses on the 30 most important anti-cancer herbs, with specific instructions for preparation and use.

      Down-to-earth, compassionate, and lyrical, this information-rich book includes a risk assessment survey; directory of helpful organizations; glossary; index; and many useful illustrations. Paperback. 358 pages. Ash Tree Publishing. 1996. ISBN: 0-9614620-7-8.

Breast Cancer? Breast Health!    $15.00    Quantity:

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The Menopausal Years
Alternative Approaches for Women 30-90
by Susan Weed
Recommended by Tamarack Song

      Your body knows more about menopause than your doctor does! Susun Weed (author of best-seller Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year) spent three years talking with more than 10,000 women about their menopause. She discovered that their experiences differ hugely from most published accounts:

      -More than half reported stronger orgasms after menopause - Most post-menopausal women easily increase bone mass through diet and exercise.

      -A substantial number of menopausal women feel a stong need for time alond and for marking their Change with ritual.One of the world's best selling books on menopause still comes on strong. Called "indispensable," "incredible," and a "treasure trove of information," Menopausal Years is the "bible" for the 87% of American women over the age of fifty who want nothing to do with hormones.

      Includes information and remedies for problems with premenopause -- flooding, erratic periods, fibroids, spotting, water retention, muscle soreness -- as well as menopause -- hot flashes, sleeplessness, mood swings, headaches, palpitations, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and much more. Final chapters speak to post-menopausal women's concerns: including ways to maintain heart health, prevent and reverse osteoporosis, deal with dry vaginal tissues and incontinence, ease aching joints, and maintain healthy libido. The soothing, wise voice of Grandmother Growth guides each woman through the book and through her own menopause metamorphosis. Ritual interludes interweaves a spiritual dimension often lacking in other works.Includes superb resource lists for menopause information, index, glossary, directions for using (and preparing) herbal medicines, complete descriptions of the most-used menopausal herbs (including nettles, ginseng, dong quai, red clover, oatstraw, and motherwort), recipes for heart- and bone-healthy dishes, and lots of illustrations. Paperback, 204 pages.

      Menopausal Years: The Wise Woman Way brings together all dimensions of the Change - from meditations and quick fixes for hot flashes to safe, natural ways to keep your mood cool, your heart healthy and your bones strong.

      "This book should be in the hands of every woman, world-wide, no matter what age." - Juliette de Bairacli Levy, author, Common Herbs for Natural Health

      "What a joy! What delight! User-friendly, poetic, and still gives the facts." - Rosetta Reitz, author, Menopause: A Positive Approach

      "An enormously rich and superior brew, it brings with a tremendous variety of useful information." - Mara Taub, author Menopause: A Self Care Manual

The Menopausal Years    $17.00    Quantity:


PO Box 684
Silver Star, MT 59751

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