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Our Babies, Ourselves
How Biology and Culture Shape the Way We Parent
by Meredith Small
Recommended by Tamarack Song

      New parents are faced with innumerable decisions to make regarding the best way to care of their baby, and, naturally, they often turn to guidance to friends and family members who have already raised children. But as scientists are discovering, much of the trusted advice passed down through generations needs to be carefully reexamined. A thought-provoking combination of practical parenting information and scientific analysis, Our Babies, Ourselves is the first book to explore why we raise our children the way we do - and suggests that we reconsider our culture's traditional views on parenting.

      In this ground-breaking book, anthropologist Meredith Small reveals her remarkable findings in the new science of ethnopediatrics. Professor Small joins pediatricians, child-development researchers, and anthropologists across the country who are studying to what extent the way we parent our infants is based on biological needs and to what extent it is based on culture - and how sometimes what is culturally dictaed may not be what's best for babies. Should an infant be encouraged to sleep alone? Is breast-feeding better than bottle-feeding, or is that just a myth? How much time should pass before a mother picks up her crying infant? And important is it really to a baby's development to talk and sing to him or her? These are but a few of the important Small addresses, and the answers not only are suprising but may even the change the way we raise our children. Paperback, 292 pages.

Our Babies, Ourselves    $17.00    Quantity:

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The Continuum Concept
In Search of Happiness Lost
by Jean Liedloff
Recommended by Tamarack Song

      A must read for every parent, parent-to-be, and for each of us for the starved child within. Jean Liedloff, an American writer spend two and a half years deep in the Amazon living with Old Way Yequana Indians. The experience demolished her Western perconceptions of how we should live and led her to a radically different view of what human nature really is. She offers a new understanding of how we have lost much of our natural well-being and shows us practical ways to regain it for our children and for ourselves. Paperback. 172 pages

      "If the world could be saved by a book, this just might be the book." - John Holt

      "Basic things about human nature that we forget or ignore at our peril." - Professor Robert Aldrich M.D.

      "Deserves to be read by Western parents, child psychologists, and other social engineers concerned with restoring self-reliance and well-being. There are remarkable insights here." - The New York Times Book Review

The Continuum Concept    $16.50    Quantity:


PO Box 684
Silver Star, MT 59751

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