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Create an Oasis with Greywater
Choosing, Building, and Using Greywater Systems
by Art Ludwig
Most of the world's aquifers are being pumped faster than replenished, and all reservoirs are slowly diminishing in capacity as they fill with sediment. At the same time, natural surface waters and groundwaters are being degraded by the wastewater continually dumped into them. You can conserve fresh water by irrigating with household washwater, called greywater. Greywater is the used water from the laundry, shower, sink, and dishwater. It may be reused for other purposes, especially for landscape irrigation to grow your own oasis while conserving water and reducing strain on your septic tank.
It is said that there is no such thing as "waste," just misplaced resources. Greywater systems turn "wastewater" and its nutrients into useful resources. Why irrigate with drinking water when most plants thrive on used water containing small bits of compost? Greywater reuse enables you to do more with the same amount of water and to increase your water security. At the same time, your greywater reuse reduces the problems of supply and pollution for everyone.
The new Create an Oasis with Greywater describes how to quickly and easily choose, build, and use a simple greywater system. The book features twenty types of residential greywater reuse systems in just about any context: urban, rural, or village. It covers almost every design variation on greywater systems, from the simplest to the most complex, and gives the pros, cons, and cost of each, both in dollars and environmental terms. Some can be completed in an afternoon for under $30.
Create an Oasis with Greywater provides complete instructions for more complex installations, plus how to deal with freezing, flooding, drought, failing septic systems, low perk soil, non-industrialized world conditions, coordinating a team of professionals to get optimum results on high-end projects, and "radical plumbing" that uses 90% less resources. Topics include:
* How to get clear on your goals, and how various greywater system options can serve you
* Common mistakes and how to avoid them
* Greywater plumbing principles and procedures in detail
* Information on soils and plants, tools and parts
* Original designs to improve the longevity of greywater systems, facilitate maintenance, and reduce environmental impacts
* Real-life examples of greywater designs for a wide range of contexts
Other topics include: Why to use or not use grey water, health guidelines, grey water sources, irrigation requirements, biocompatible cleaners, grey water plumbing principles and components, maintenance and troubleshooting, preserving soil quality , storing rainwater, compendium of common grey water errors and preferred practices, suppliers, and references.
This 5th edition of the world's best-selling greywater book includes 50 pages of new text, photos, and figures, as well as the entire text of Branched Drain Greywater Systems. Do-it-yourself branched drains provide reliable, economical, sanitary, low maintenance distribution of household greywater to downhill plants without filtration, pumping, a surge tank, or electronic controls.
If your project is going to involve permitting, inspection, codes, or building a system for someone else, writing or applying codes, or greywater research, you will also want the Builder's Grey Water Guide (see below). Create an Oasis with Greywater Oasis Design. Fifth Edition. 2006. 145 pages. 53 figures, 130 photos. ISBN 0964343398. Printed on 50% post-consumer recycled paper.
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